Ardingly Bead Fair this Sunday….snow permitting

Thurs morning

All my new sets are made for this show! They’ve been strung and photographed and I can actually use my new posh photos!

Now let me tell you this is totally unheard of in our house, usually photos are done one day ahead if I’m lucky, more often than not they’re done the afternoon or evening before the fair giving me the evening/night (if they’ve been done yet) to price up then pack everything else in the boxes.  So what am I going to do today? Well I shall go to my studio and make £1 beads as I know how much you like a rummage, and I’ll also make some repeat sets, and maybe some grey City Chic if I feel like it.  I feel a  fun day coming on, with maybe a fishy or two (although that will mean more photos) and lots of brightly coloured fun beads so I can pretend it’s not freezing outside……oh yes, minus 2.5 deg c in the studio today, it was misty in there just now.

Lavender swirlers Pink swirlers Pinks Big Hile Beads

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