The sting in the tale
Ah it’s good to be able to make beads again during the day again, what with half term being over.
I had a couple of days out with my daughter last week, the aim of our trips, subconsciously is to have as much fun for as little money as possible. We were having roaring success last Friday, we packed sandwiches and headed off to Horsham for the ice skating which had come to town. Unfortunately when we arrived the ‘ice-rink’ was a tiddly rectangular thing with synthetic ice, ie. plastic, so we decided to give it a miss and went to munch our sarnies. After a bit of shopping we thought we’d check out Horsham museum in the Causeway, and boy, what a place! It was excellent, full of old bikes, Horshams first fire engine, lots of farm equipment, and all sorts of old bits and pieces. The museum was like the Tardis, small on the outside but huge on the inside, and FREE! woo hoo. Well, I was wittering on to my daughter about how cheap our day had been, then got stung for £10 parking in Sainsburys carpark. Rats. Rats. Rats.
Here’s a picture of the Causeway in Horsham, one of my favourite views, taken with my daughters very cheap digital camera.