My First Blog Post on my new blog
welcome to my blog or should I say ‘My world’.
I’m sitting here typing this while I wait for my kiln to heat up. Why?
Well, maybe I should introduce myself…….my name is Sarah Downton and I make glass beads and jewellery for a living (or is that really for fun with a bit of dosh thrown in for good measure?).
You can take a look at my website for an idea of what I’m up to.
So here I am, Friday noon (just), typing my first blog. I’ve been cowering indoors all morning cos of the rain that was tipping down earlier, but I’ve just squelched out to my studio (12 deg C in there) to fire up the kiln and will be popping of out there later to make beads – woohoo.
I thought I should make my debut today, or Richard, Mr Webmaster and Cybergeek Extraordinaire (otherwise known as my husband), who’s been champing at the bit to do my first entry, would loose patience with me and pretend to be cyberme (actually he has done everday but I caught him in the act and made him take it off…I mean delete it).
So what’s new? Well this blog for a start, obviously, and also I changed the blurb on the front page of my website at long last, now that I can – thank you CE (Rick – Cybergeek Extraordinaire).
There’s lots to do on my website which I won’t bore you with, but I will say I hope you’ll come visit my site regurlary as we change things and this blog again for my inane (or is that insane) ramblings on life, the Universe and everything (by the way the answer is 42).
see you soon……………………
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