5 weeks on today

Tuesday lunchtime

Oooh cryptic. Time to come clean and confess that I had my left hip replaced 5 weeks ago, so technically I am on sick leave  at the moment. I guess if you’ve seen my facebook page you’ll know that already. So at 11am 5 weeks to the day I entered the room next to theatre where they stuck tubes in me, stuck monitoring pads on me and I could hear the equipment and tools clinking as they prepared for my surgery. So glad that is over and fading to a memory.

I’ve been home just under 4 weeks and have another 5 weeks hip precautions unfortunately (you normally only have 6 weeks of not being allowed to move your operated leg in certain ways) but it’s all good and I’m making steady progress and getting stronger every day. The annoying thing is I sort of want to do stuff but really can’t be bothered hence the lateness of this blog post. I have managed to finish a knitted hat that I started 5 years ago and didn’t get time to finish. I think it looks dreadful as the tension is all over the place, so not up to my usual standard, but to be expected as I find my hand craft skills and lots of other stuff takes a dive for a while after surgery, just like it does when I’m unwell. So if you see any typos please excuse me, I’ve corrected loads as I type but you know what?   cba…..

I should be back firing on all cylinders by the time Big Bead Show comes along in October, and I have the exciting privilege of judging the Bead Awards again soon too.

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